School Rules & Regulations


1. A Student cannot Enter the school campus without full School Uniform and I-Card, Proper hair cut, Shoes polished etc.

2. For withdrawal of a student, Full Year's Fees must be paid (April to March)

3. For withdrawal of a pupil from the school bus, a month's notice must be given in writing otherwise, a month's fee will be charged.

4. To get a Transfer Certificate (T.C.) payment of Rs. 800/- along with an application should be submitted 10 days in advance. (also please refer to rule no. 2)

5. Mobile Phones, Cameras, I-Pod, Fire Crackers and all other Objectionable items are strictly forbidden inside the school campus.

6. Students who have been absent on the previous day must bring to the Principal a letter or explanation from their Parents.

7. The names of students who remain absent without written notice for twenty consecutive working days shall be struck off the register, On their return to School, if readmitted, the admission fee (only) along with due fees shall be charged.

8. Students are forbidden to leave the school premises or grounds during regular school hours without permission.

9. Students, on their way to and from school are expected to deport themselves in a responsible manner.

10. The cost of any kind of damage done to the school property must be borne by the parents of the students responsible. All responsible care is taken of the property and possession of pupils. But the school Auithorities do not hold themselves responsible in any and all circumstances for any loss or damage or otherwise in this connection.

11. Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the school, by enforcing regularity and discipline, by showing interest in their children's progress and by extending the fullest encouragement to participation in Co-curricular activities.

12. Fees must be paid by the 10th of each month failing which a fine will be charged. (see fee column).

13. In all matters pertaining to the student & enquiries regarding the same, the school shall only speak to the genuine parents whereas other relatives/friends do not reserve the right of information or an answer from us.

14. Until and unless the signature on the admission form authorisation pass tallies with the signature on the application, the School will not act, grant or evaluate any such application.

15. The school does not hold itself responsible for the children once outside the school campus. Hence Parents/Guardians should make it their duty to be present at the time Dismissal.

16. All students are supposed to have at least 80% attendance during a scholastic year. (Lack of attendance will affect Promotion).

Note: In case I-Card is lost the school diary Pg. (ii) will be accepted as a temporary proof until a new card is made for which an application and charge must be paid.

17. Parent Teachers' meetings (PTM's) are held regularly and parents are expected to attend the same.

18. All notices from the school regarding activities/ examination/ holidays/result distribution etc. are regularly sent through our P.M. bulletins, SMS and WhatsApp.

19. Parents are expected to be present on the day of distribution of the report cards as these will not be distributed after the due date or time.

20. Exam dates are notified well in Advance thus dates cannot be changed. Further Exams/Tests once held can not be held specifically for any student again.

21. Please do not allow your child to take Tuition from thier school Teachers & Avoid giving them motorcycles as they are under aged if caught T/C will be given.

22. If the I-Card of a student is taken away by the office, then He/She will not be allowed into the School Campus. For Recovery of the I-Card Parents along with the student will have to meet the Principal.

23. In matters of Sexual Harrasment T.C. will be issued Immediately.

24. FIGHTING and Calling out sideers to fight or thrash another student Before or after school is Punishable with T.C. (No chance will be given or Explanation entertained).

25. All students have to take part compulsorily in all activities of the School which are designed to launch every student into the future by building up their self-confidence and talents.

26. English as well as Hindi has to be spoken in its purest from in the School Campus. (Vulgarity will not be tolerated)

27. Regular character building seminars and talks are part of our curriculum. Assembly and programmes are all conducted and managed by the students.

28. Parents please make sure to check the School Diary for remarks and your Phones for Messages from the School on a daily basis so that your child does not feel harassed due to your laxity as Rule for One is Rule for All in our Institution. (In case of any kind of in-ability please feel free to write a letter of Explanation or Meet the Principal/Vice-Principal or Manager as we are there for you always we work as a family and correspondence between us is surely required.) Because of the 'MUTUAL RELATIONSHIP AND UNDERSTANDING OF YOURS AND US, WE can make OUR children achieve all success in life.

कृपया निम्नलिखित अति-महत्वपूर्ण विषयों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़े -
  • सभी विद्यार्थियों को विद्यालय के सभी कार्यक्रमों में सम्मिलित होना अनिवार्य है ताकि भविष्य में अपने आत्मबल और प्रतिभा से जीवन व विभिन न क्षेत्रों में उत्तीण हो सकें ।
  • अंग्रेजी अथवा हिन्दी का शुद्ध प्रयोग परिसर में अनिवार्य है । ( )
  • विद्यालय सभा एवं विधिनन कार्यक्रम विद्यार्थियों द्वारा आयोजित किये जाते है ।
  • अधिभावकों से अनुरोध है कि कृपया अपने बच्चों की डायरी शिकायत एवं सुझाव के लिए जाँच एवं प्रयोग करें । विद्यालय द्वारा भेजे जाने वाले सूचनाओं की जानकारी के लिए कृपया अपने मोबाईंल फोन की नियमित रूप्से जाँच करें ताकि आपकी कमी के कारण आपके बच्चे स्वयं को प्रताड़ित अनुभव न करें ।
  • यदि किसी कारणवश आप विद्यालय द्वारा दी गई नियमावली का पूर्ण रूप से पालन करने में असमर्थ रहते हैं तो विद्यालय के माननीय निदेशक प्रधानाचार्य , उप-प्रधानाचार्य एवं प्रबंधक को निःसंकोच पत्राचार के माध्यम से असमर्थता का कारण घोषित कर सकते है ।
  • हमारे-आपके साथ से ही हमारे बच्चे कल के उज्जवल भविष्य बनेंगें ।